Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Album Review from Germany...!!!

Another brilliant review made our week special...!!!

"From Mumbai, India reached us this exciting crossover project . Guitarist / Composer Rachit Sachdeva had to superimpose the musical vision , western , hard rocking prog metal structures with predominantly traditional Indian singing. This he found in the singers Bhakiva Shetty and Gauri Aayeer . More expert support came from Sheldon D' Silva, whose fretless bass at , inter alia, wg . the woman whispering and heavy drumming actually hypnotically charming " Chant " a little reminiscent of Cynic , and Gino Banks ( drms , perc ) .
At present (2014) Formation include Vivek Khati ( guit ) and Suvarna Tiwari ( "Western" vocals) . The 2013er mini-album with 26 minutes running time is still alive in any event of the delightful contrasts that arise between the sometimes chilly Wrenching transistor sounds of Rachits riffs, the east -style harmonies and Gauri's crystal-clear voice. In particular, " The Lake " conveys the power of good Gothic Metal, without reproducing the stereotypes.

The instrumental " Disorder " describes the topic with introductory acoustic guitar, in which a heavy metal riff breaks . " Infirmity " and " Smokin Sap " repeat the success of "The Lake " , while the instrumental " tranquillize " a little the ideas of breath and the eastern magic seems to start , but quickly forgotten Rachits makes beautiful solo . Exciting mix !"- KLAUS RECKERT, GERMANY.

Album Review by Klaus Reckert , Germany.

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